Products /services
Spare parts for Stock preparation and Paper Machine are the most important factor of any Equipment & Machine that helps the machine work efficiently.
Perforated Screen plates.
(Tapper & Counter holes as per process requirement)
- Pulper screen plate
- Turbo Screen plate
- Poire Screen plate
- Coarse Screen
- Reject Sorter Basket.
Rotors / Impellers
(High efficiency designs)
- High cone pulper screw type rotor – for high consistency process
- Poire screen separator rotor
- Turbo separator rotor
- Reject sorter rotor
Pulp stock thickening
(Centric Cleaner for high & low density)
- Decker thickener for the pulp stock dewatering process.
- B2 thickeners for Reject Handling & De watering purpose
- Screw Press in Different design for high consistency output.